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Tam H
Séjour au Dez. 2023
En famille
11 évaluation
Publiée le 27. Dez. 2023
Perfect for family with kids to stay.
Chambre de style japonais, pour 6 personnes (bâtiment principal)
This hotel is great, we loved our stay. Expensive, but worth it. The hotel is big and beautiful, with many places to relax. The staff are super friendly. Our room was big and comfortable. We had the ocean/sunrise view. You can also have the back which has a view of the amusement park. The room is tatami style. We had dinner in the room and breakfast in the restaurant. Served, not buffet. The hotel has an onsen. Very nice. But, 3 minute walk through the passage to the Nagashima Hotel is the main onsen. It is fabulous! I have been to many onsens but this was one of the very best. Many different baths in a beautiful mountain garden setting with waterfalls, rivers, etc... Big, spacious, relaxing and fun. I loved it. It wasn't so busy because snow had closed down the amusement park. I imagine it can get much busier but will absorb people well. I would go again just for this onsen. The hotel has a really nice game center. The hotel gives a ticket for entrance to the park, onsen, flower place, etc... The outlet mall is a 5 to 10 minute indoor walk, same as walking to the onsen. Great place. Anytime. Would love to go again and will if I have the chance.
聞けば2022年でオープン34年ということらしいです。当時、桜田淳子ちゃんを起用したCMで流れていたYou are the Top of Flower♬のBGMは未だ、耳から離れません。贅を尽くした豪華なホテル。豪華な造りもおもてなしも非の付け所がありません。が…でもやっばり古さというか…昭和感、バルブリー感は感じますね。夕食はどれ一つとって最高の素材と上品な味付。美味しくてたまりません。中でも…鮑ステーキの柔らかいことと言ったら♡で、なばなの里でイルミネーションを観て部屋に戻れば、フルーツ盛り合わせのサプライズ。たっぷりの和朝食もこれでもかってほどの素材達。二日にわたる美食とたっぷりの温泉に癒されて身も心もリフレッシュ出来ました。二日間に亘って湯あみの島は出入り自由、なばなの里も入り放題。湯あみの島は男性ぱ普段絶対入れない女湯に、朝だけ入れるのは嬉しい特典です。女湯、すごく魅力的でした。