31 décembre 2024
A last-minute trip resulted in minimal hotel options, so we ended up at Tabulia Tree Hotel more by default than by choice. Our stay vastly exceeded expectations! Our previous two nights in Monteverde were pretty rough, so I was dealing with some unhappy travel companions (my wife and kids, 17 and 14). Hilariously, upon check-in, I was handed a key to Room 212, which had been called out in multiple 1* reviews. "AYFKM," I thought to myself. (My wife didn't see the same humor in the room assignment.) By any objective measure, those reviews were grossly inaccurate - the room was clean, relatively spacious, and comfortable. And the ocean views were great! Our guests at an early breakfast included dozens of monkeys swinging from the trees and running along the power lines - definitely one of our trip's highlights. All in all, we had a great stay - hope you do, too!