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589 évaluation
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Chambre Premier Romantique (Lit Double) (Terrasse)
Séjour au avr. 2024
En couple
10 évaluation
Publiée le 11 mai 2024
Will never go back there again. Don't be fooled by the nice photos.
When I arrived at this homestay, I was sure this would be a 5 star review- the design was beautiful. However, with each day it kept getting worse and worse.
Firstly, the room had a bug and spider problem. Each day I saw at least 8 spiders on the walls.
Secondly, the air conditioning had no cooling function, and the room was getting very stuffy.
Thirdly, their amenities are lacking. I was given a bath towel with a huge hole in it, and the cups in the room were leaking from the bottom.
Moreover, the breakfast is very simplified, they only give milk or water to drink, and if you want a coffee or tea, you have to pay 50 RMB. I think going to a cafe would be cheaper than this...
But what annoyed me the most was that my room change included an 'exclusive limousine service' to Disneyland that we could book one day in advance. We booked it for a specific time, but the next day, the driver was 20 minutes late. What is more, it was far from an EXCLUSIVE LIMOUSINE... it was an old car full of fuel smell, and we were squeezed tightly at the back, because we were 5 people.
Is this a joke to this homestay? You're falsely advertising services that don't exist. I specifically booked this homestay because of the limousine service, and I got a car worse than a normal taxi..
Réponse de l'établissement: 親親,您好,中國人是很好客的一個國家,我們歡迎全國的好朋友到來,前台管家是在線值班,您有任何事情都可以隨時喊我們。迪士尼度假區周邊都是村莊,南方城市雨水充沛小河很多,生態環境很好,如果您看見了蚊蟲請聯繫管家處理。中國人不騙中國人,早餐網站外網有展示,咖啡也有價格標註,您點了2杯50元。接您的出行記錄登記的您們2個房間4位行人。我們作為迪士尼度假區的民宿,接受全國好朋友的考驗,盡力服務好大家的吃住行安排,也吸取大家給的友好建議,我們努力!祝願您和您的家人事事順心,身體健康,一切皆好!
Chambre familiale confortable de style japonais - Vue sur la cour
Réponse de l'établissement: 謝謝親愛的,每次都特別感謝大家對我們的信任和鼓勵,是大家每一次對我們的支持鞭策我們前進,而我們做為迪士尼的度假區的民宿一定豐富自己的服務內容,滿足大家的吃住行安排,給他大家提供周邊好的旅遊攻略,及迪士尼的最新旅遊小諮訊。大家有任何需求都可以喊我們,店裡所有的同事也會不斷學習提高服務標準,期待下次再見,祝願您們甜甜蜜蜜,永遠幸福!
Japanese-Style Featured Honeymoon Room - Courtyard-View (Double bed) (Soaking tub)
Réponse de l'établissement: 您好,感謝弟弟妹妹對我們的支持哦,感恩每一次遇見,我們在迪士尼度假區每天迎來送往,有剛見面的開心,也有別離時的難過,祝願我們的客人都能夠開心生活每一天,甜甜蜜蜜,我們也會時刻監督自己不斷完善工作能力,為大家解決更多的問題,保證迪士尼的出行安全,繼續努力!
Réponse de l'établissement: 麼麼噠。。。感謝親親!全體同事向您表達感謝,謝謝陌生的朋友在眾多迪士尼的店鋪裏選擇了我們,給了我們很多信任和支持,讓我們有機會給大家提供服務,我們在迪士尼度假區內,距離迪士尼4公里,每天早晚可以有專車接送大家,店裡還有專業的私房菜大廚,定製本幫菜慰勞一天在迪士尼的疲憊,大家在出行和迪士尼行上有任何問題都可以喊我們,盡力給大家提供服務。我們會在不斷地工作中積累服務經驗,給大家帶來好的體驗,期待下次再見,祝願我們的小朋友們茁壯成長,感謝!
Réponse de l'établissement: 謝謝,給您比顆心哦。迪士尼在上海的郊區,還好我們找到了這個安靜的小村莊,有自己的大院子,還能種上一年四季喜歡的蔬菜和時令瓜果,我們為了讓大家吃到新鮮的食材,無論早餐還是晚餐,儘量採用地裏的時令果蔬,歡迎更多的朋友們來體驗農村慢生活哈。期待再次遇見!