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Mo'er Pagoda

9 évaluations
Sites historiques
Ouvert toute l'année, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7
Temps de visite recommandé :1 heure
about 30 km northeast of Kashgar City, KashgarCarte
Ce qu'en disent les voyageurs :

Located about 30 kilometers northeast of Kashgar City, the Moerfo Pagoda is an ancient Buddhist relic. It was built in the Tang Dynasty and has a history of more than 1000 years. The tower is composed of an Oval Earth Tower and a tall overburden platform. The Oval Earth pagoda is hollow, 12 meters high, with three layers of square seats under it. It is built with large adobe. The huge terrace beside the earth pagoda is the central building here. It is specially designed for Buddha. The Buddha statues in the wall niche have disappeared due to the exfoliation of age, but the traces of the niche are still indistinguishable.

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Évaluations de Mo'er Pagoda

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