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Changting Beach

23 évaluations
Ouverture Ouvert le 08:00-17:00(Dernière entrée à 16:00)
Temps de visite recommandé :2-3 heures
Changting Village, Shitang Town, Yunhe County, Lishui CityCarte
Ce qu'en disent les voyageurs :

When you go to Lishui, you drive all the way from Yunnan to Liandu. If you need to see the scenery along the way, you will encounter this scenic spot. At first, you think there is a beach here. Now you have to collect admission tickets, accommodation and farmer's pleasure, and sand sculpture Castle exhibition and sand sculpture technology is really great [strong] At the weekend, you can see that many local people in Zhejiang will come to this beach for vacation and play with the water. When you look at it, you can see that a row of beach chairs are charged. This side can also be used for BBQ equipment. It's convenient to rent or not to rent beside your own.

Aimé par 5

À proximité de Changting Beach

Évaluations de Changting Beach

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