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Commentaires des voyageurs
88 évaluation
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I would say it a very pleasant choice to stay in this hotel (includes dinner, breakfast and free onsen). Their service is the best in all hotels I have stayed before (helped you set up your bed, deliver your food to your room and most importantly, call us a free ride to send us back to the Ito station.
The service is very warm and polite.
Séjour au oct. 2024
En couple
1 évaluation
Publiée le 27 nov. 2024
We had a great stay at this ryokan! The owners were very kind and made us feel welcome. The place was clean and peaceful, and the onsen was so relaxing. The food was delicious, with fresh local dishes we loved. Everything was perfect, and we would love to come back. Highly recommend!
High Ground Floor Separate Japanese-style Room 8-10 Tatami With Bath (hot Spring) Non-smoking
Séjour au sept. 2024
Voyage entre amis
1 évaluation
Publiée le 29 oct. 2024
It was a wonderful stay for 1 night. 3 onsens, perfect dinner and breakfast. I want to stay here for 1 more time.
Chambre de style japonais (tatami, étage inférieur, bâtiment principal, non fumeurs)
Séjour au janv. 2025
En famille
4 évaluation
Publiée le 28 fév. 2025
Service was good, most friendly staff, pick up to the railway station tomorrow))) The great atmosphere. Good food and onsen with a beautiful view at the top of the hotel. Thanks for the amazing experience!!!
High Ground Floor Separate Japanese-style Room 8-10 Tatami With Bath (hot Spring) Non-smoking
Séjour au oct. 2024
Voyage entre amis
4 évaluation
Publiée le 29 nov. 2024
Really nice open hot spring onsen! Enjoyed it! Clean room and very friendly staff. The food was delicious. Super nice place. Thanks!
Séjour au mai 2024
Voyage entre amis
4 évaluation
Publiée le 7 juill. 2024
This was probably the best experience i had during my visit to Japan. The ryokan feels authentic yet luxurious, the service id amazing. The personnel speaks english very well. The room was just what we wanted, very spacious, tatami floors, a balcony with a city view. We even had a little bath that you could fill with water from the hot spring.
The dinner was exquisite, very authentic and delicious. The breakfast was just as good, although the amount of fish dishes might be a little overwhelming for foreigners.
The best part though was obviously the onsen. The cable car that takes you to the onsen really added to the experience. We had the chance to go in the evening and in the morning. Both times there were no other people. It was raining in the morning and i definitely recommend going to the onsen while it rains if you get the chance.
After checking out we were offered a ride to the station by the owner, and we had a nice chat on the way.
So i absolutely recommend this ryokan, i wish we stayed longer
Séjour au oct. 2023
En famille
2 évaluation
Publiée le 21 nov. 2023
Trip.com definitely hide some cost when they offered prices for accommodation. We choose trip.com as they were cheaper than Agoda. Then, We were asked to pay for our child for accommodation and meal even we booked with 3 family members. On the booking confirmation they mentioned we might be charged for a child. We knew the child's prices were not included, we didn't book through Trip.com.
This hotel has full of character, but wasn't the best comfortable place to stay. The staff seemed nice but very hard to communicate without speaking Japanese. Also very stingy with towols, water in the room.
Chambre de style japonais (tatami, étage inférieur, bâtiment principal, non fumeurs)
Séjour au fév. 2025
Voyage entre amis
4 évaluation
Publiée le 11 mars 2025
Прекрасный традиционный рёкан в японском стиле. Очень вежливый милый персонал. Прекрасный ужин подаётся в номер. Есть два онсена внутри, и один под открытым небом. Наше пребывание было чудесным :) При выезде хозяин отвёз на станцию.
High Ground Floor Separate Japanese-style Room 8-10 Tatami With Bath (hot Spring) Non-smoking
Séjour au janv. 2025
En couple
3 évaluation
Publiée le 4 mars 2025
Потрясающий традиционный отель по потрясающей цене. 15 минут пешком от жд станции по прямой. Выглядит на 100 процентов, собственый садик с водопадом, везде природные включения, традиционный интерьер, собственный фуникулер, онсен 10 из 10 их аж 3 и работают они круглые сутки. Заезжая сюда вы должны понимать что это традиционный отель. В нем снимают обувь при входе, просят ходить в предоставляемом кимоно, в онсенах, раздельных для полов, моются голышом, коридоры, общие зоны и фуникулер холодные, как и уборные но в номерах есть кондиционер с подогревом. У вас будет возможность попробовать традиционный ужин и завтрак и это целое представление которое того стоит. Спите вы на матрасиках футонах, кстати они очень удобные, а за столом надо сидеть на коленках. Мы брали верхний номер с видом и собственным онсеном и ни разу не пожалели. Эта ночь стоила как 3 ночи в отеле в токио, но дала незабываемые впечатления. Персонал был максимально приветлив, нам все рассказали и куда можно съездить и сходить, и какие тут правила, во всем помогали даже те сотрудники которые не знали английского. А при выезде нас бесплатно довезли до жд станции! Сервис высший класс! Рекомендуем!
Chambre de style japonais (tatami, étage inférieur, bâtiment principal, non fumeurs)
Chambre de style japonais (tatami, étage inférieur, bâtiment principal, non fumeurs)
Séjour au janv. 2025
En famille
3 évaluation
Publiée le 19 fév. 2025
위치는 이토역에서 정말 가깝습니다 택시 타고 금방 가기 때문에 택시 추천합니다. 오래된 료칸이라 시설이 노후화 되어 계단올라갈 때 삐걱거리는 소리가 크게 나는데 문제는 없었습니다. 어르신들이 석식, 조식 방으로 가져다 주십니다. 밥은 배부르게 정성껏 나옵니다.
옥상에 온천도 좋았고 1층의 온탕도 좋았습니다. 다만 방을 제외한 복도나 로비에는 난방을 안하는지 유카다 입고 씻으러 갈 때 탈의실을 통해 탕에 들어가기 전까지가 꽤나 춥습니다. 겨울이라 그렇겠죠. 방 내부는 히터 빵빵하니 따듯합니다.
체크아웃할 때 기사님이 역까지 태워주신다고 하셔서 감사히 탔는데 가면서 물어보니 사장님이시라고 하셔서 놀랐습니다. 생각 보다 젊은 젠틀하신 신사분이셨습니다.
기회가 되면 또 이용할만한 곳이라 생각됩니다.
Chambre de style japonais (tatami, étage inférieur, bâtiment principal, non fumeurs)
Séjour au janv. 2025
En famille
44 évaluation
Publiée le 2 fév. 2025
Хороший рекан с онсеном. Дружелюбный персонал, прекрасный сервис. Удобно добираться от Токио на поездах.
Ужин вкусный, завтрак в японском стиле немного «не зашел», не могу есть рыбу на завтрак. Но хорошо, что заранее купила в магазине круассаны.
С утра бесплатно довезли до станции.
High Ground Floor Separate Japanese-style Room 8-10 Tatami With Bath (hot Spring) Non-smoking